Saturday, November 22, 2008

An unforgiveably long time between updates. :(

I am terrible at getting online these days; I think it’s because I’m not really a “blogger” or whatnot. I’ve started a handful of updates, only to run out of time to finish them. One thousand apologies.

A ridiculous amount of time has passed since my last update; the election is obviously over. Thank you so much if you were one who helped in any way, shape or form with the VoteYes on 11 campaign. So many of you spent hours volunteering tirelessly, whether through canvassing, praying, working at the office, or even dropping food by to feed us. None of it has gone by unnoticed, and I am incredibly grateful for all of you. I truly believe that the only way we will stop abortion is through actual relationships with women struggling with crisis pregnancies, not just legislation. I encourage you, if you at all have this issue on your heart, to stop by your local crisis pregnancy center and see how you can help. We cannot truly effect change on our community, state, or country, without some ACTION. While I completely agree that we do need to inform women about the dangers and atrocities of abortion, can we get past all the rhetoric and genuinely love these girls and women who don’t know what to do with their unplanned pregnancy? I’m trying to avoid being on a soapbox here; just some frustrating things I’ve encountered these past few months.

In other news,
It’s been almost three weeks without employment. I’ve wrestled so much with the idea of going and getting another job right away. To tell you the truth, I’ve had no peace about doing just that. I really hate admitting it, but for so long I’ve struggled to trust God with my finances. I say I give him all of my life, and yet there is that one small area that I always want to control. I think it’s due to our culture, and possibly that I am, in fact, a human being. :D But really, the biggest reason I thought I needed a job was so I could control my little pocketbook; it’s so easy to try to do. I look at my bank account, and see that I only have a tiny amount, and I need $6,000 for YWAM in about a month. In human terms, that’s really quite impossible. But thankfully, I serve a God who is so much bigger. Truthfully, I have no idea where the remaining funds will come from, but he is faithful and promises to meet our needs. He’s proven it time and time again to me. Proverbs 3:5 comes to mind: “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure everything out on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. He’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume you know it all.”

This time of not having a job has been incredibly restful as well. I’m staying with my parents through the holidays before I head out, and just being out in the middle of a forest with some of my favorite people has been something I didn’t realize I needed. Good stuff. Chris is coming home from New York on Monday, and is staying through Christmas. This is the second year in a row that our whole family will be together on Christmas….I’m stoked. God is so good. Really.

Random tidbits: I finished reading The Shack yesterday. You should go pick up a copy and read it right now.
I'm really starting to hate the fact that I have to re-dye my hair every month. I'm debating letting it grow out and chopping off the false color. Any thoughts on that?
I'm really quite thrilled for change.

There’s so many little things that I regretfully admit I overlook each day that make me so happy to be alive. (I’m so sentimental these days, I know). Like the smell of autumn leaves or how the sky looks at certain times of the day. Or the laughter that seems to envelope every dinner and conversation in this house ( you should really come over for dinner sometime--it’s quite the experience). Or just going outside & taking photos. Just sitting and listening….even as I type this the sound of my mom’s piano drifts upstairs where it mingles and regretfully clashes with the sound of Sam’s metal guitar riffs one room over. I could ramble forever. There is so much to be grateful for.

If for no other reason, I hope you come away from this reminded that life is full of so much joy. Even when things are seemingly hopeless, there is still joy to be found. There is still a God who loves you.
