Saturday, January 10, 2009


It's Monday and I've been here in the Rocky Mountains for a week, and I must say it's rather fantastic. The majority of the 3 months will be spent up in the mountains: no cell phone, no city, lots of snow and trees. Marvelous. I don't have heaps of time at the moment but I wanted to give everyone a quick update, just so you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. :D

There are about 100 of us here at the Eagle Rock base, and Monday is supposed to be our laundry/down in the city day, but it's been snowing all night and doesn't look like it's letting up anytime soon, so it's all up in the air.

God is so faithful, by the way. I just found out that I have more than enough money for the tuition for my schooling, not that I'm surprised but it still puts a smile on my face. All praise to him!

He's also been showing me that this season is going to be a time of rebuilding. I'm so sick of so many attitudes, prejudices, and even just some belief systems I find myself reverting back to and I know that this is going to strip me of all of that. I'm excited to see what tomorrow holds, and everday. I'll write more later when I get the chance. Until then, I pray God will melt your face off with his blessings today. :D
Love you all.

1 comment:

AB said...

you used 'melt your face off' and 'heaps' :D love it and you by the way. geesh my blog seems blah compared to yours. not that im comparing.. ;) i have a feeling we are going to have a fabulous day.